The Department of Conservation has advised that there are reports of koi carp being present in Lake Karapiro and this is very concerning to them because that would be outside the present known distribution area for koi (i.e. everywhere below the dam). Accordingly they have asked us to notify them of any koi shot there.
We have previously offered a prize to the first NZBS member to claim a koi carp from Lake Karapiro but this has not yet been won. This offer is still open, so if you want to try bowfishing somewhere new you might want to have a look at Lake Karapiro for a change.
If you do find and shoot any koi there just claim them on-line or on a small game claim form but also send details of where they were shot along with one or more photos to the game recording officer. The prize will be a unique carp busters cap and of course you will also be featured in our magazine as the ‘Karapiro King’.