Membership Renewal Form

This form is for existing members wishing to renew their memberships.  The NZBS membership year runs from 1 October to 30 September.

By completing this form you consent to the New Zealand Bowhunters Society collecting the details provided, retaining and using those details and disclosing them for the purpose of involvement in the Societies activities, now and in the future. You have the right to access to this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act (1993).

Additionally you consent to becoming a member of the New Zealand Bowhunters Society and are prepared to abide by its Rules and Constitution.

The annual subscription fee is currently $90.00 and is due on the 30th of September for the following 12 months. This fee is reduced to $45.00 after the 1st of July to encourage new members during the last part of the subscription year. Family membership is also available for an annual subscription fee of $180.00.

Please include your name in bank reference field and make payment to NZBS a/c No.: 02 0454 0051726 00