Hunting and Claiming Game at Alert Level 3
With the impending change to Alert Level 3 for most of the country there will be some limited opportunities for bowhunting and we encourage our members to take advantage of this. However this is not the time for a major trip involving long-distance travel; leave that until Alert Level 2.
The level 3 rules below are taken from the official website at:
Sports and recreation | Unite against COVID-19 (
Although this does say that hunting is allowed in your region it also emphasises that ‘The most important thing is to stay safe and stay close to home’. Previously at level 3 the NZBS committee set an arbitrary limit for allowing game claims of a maximum one hour’s travel between home and hunting area, and will do so again. If you think you are entitled to hunt further afield that’s fine, but just don’t claim any game shot there.
Sports and Recreation at Alert Level 3
At Alert Level 3, you can exercise in your local area on your own, or with people in your household bubble.
If you are exercising outside, try to keep a 2 metre distance from people who are not in your bubble.
The most important thing is to stay safe and stay close to home. Go to your local park or beach, not your favourite one. You cannot stay overnight at your bach or holiday home.
Do low-risk activities so you do not need rescuing or medical care.
If you are experienced you can do more activities. These include:
You can hunt on both private and public conservation land; however DOC huts and campsites are closed.
Stay within your region and stick to your bubble. Do not go on an overnight hunting trip.
You can only hunt on foot — using quad bikes, off-road bikes, helicopters and other motorised vehicles is not allowed.
If you are out hunting, you still need to follow the local regulations.
For bowfishing, boating is not allowed.
Dave Gousmett, NZBS Game Recording Officer